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Local-Global: Reconciling Mismatched Ontologies in Development Information Systems
Author(s):Jessica Wallack

This paper extends pre-existing digital divide conceptualizations to further investigate the important issue of mismatches between the ontologies that state-created information systems and local, community preferences are embedded in. We argue that the reconciliation of these diverse logics and framings is critical for the effective engagement with communities as well as formulation and implementation of development policies. We suggest several paths toward overcoming mismatched ontologies that would enable communities to be directly involved and productively engaged in developing shared ontologies. These mechanisms would also help policymakers to avoid 'information loss' due to ontology mismatch while preserving their ability to develop scalable, comparative perspectives to guide policies.

march 11 union publication
Membership:New project for Testing

march 11 union publication

Mid Day Meal Scheme
Author(s):Jay Chaudhuri
Membership:Scheme Briefs


One of two flagship programmes initiated to achieve the goal of Education for All, India’s Mid Day Meal (MDM) scheme is the largest school lunch programme in the world. It currently reaches 12 crore children in 9.5 lakh schools across India. This scheme brief provides an overview of the scheme and examines available evidence on how MDM has performed against its stated objectives.


By providing a nutritious meal at school, the scheme seeks to improve child health, improve their ability to concentrate, and incentivise parents to send their children to school. Initiated in 1995 in 2408 blocks, the NP-SPE was re-launched in 2004 as MDM and has been revised several times since then. Currently operational in all blocks of the country, MDM covers all children studying in government schools, including local body, government-aided primary and upper primary schools and Education Guarantee Scheme (EGS)/ Alternative and Innovative Education (AIE) centres.

However, there are serious shortcomings in the monitoring system. With no reliable system for data collection, it impossible to measure the actual impact of the programme.